Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Semper Fidelis" from Iraq

Sgt. Major David Fox (Steve Hunyar's friend) in Iraq.

His C.O. had just told him he was selected for Sergeant Major. We were getting ready to go back up to the entry control point and he gave me the news.
Congratulations Sgt. Major! "Semper Fi" - "Always faithful."

Sgt. Major David Fox standing next to the Air Base sign. This sign was at entry control point. This is where we saw the most of the terrorist activity to include that horrible VBIED I witnessed.

Sgt. Major David Fox, standing with his C.O. Major Leon Millholland (A tall country boy from Dawsonville, Georgia) and one of our Iraqi Interpreters. This was the first free election in Iraq and I was proud to have participated. (Yes Sgt. Major Fox, a day in history -- like so many because of our brave men and women like you in our military services. You make us proud 24/7. How can we ever thank you enough ? Semper Fi !)

"Gentlemen, it is an honor for me to serve this country and to serve patriots like yourselves!"

"My home town is Columbus, Ohio.
I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t tell you what an outstanding bunch of Marines I had served with in Iraq. They all hailed from Georgia and they were some of the bravest Marines I ever met. They never complained, they believed in what we were doing and they made our mission a success. - Sgt. Major David Fox"

The meaning of "Semper Fidelis"
Semper Fidelis; Always Faithful. The Few. The Proud. The Marines.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

America is moving in the wrong direction!

We must refocus to return to our values and the foundations upon which our Republic was formed, and has been built by hard work, sweat and sacrifice by the American people throughout our great history. A great people of character, substance, purpose, strength, devotion and love for freedom, liberty and justice for all.

And perserved by the men and women who have worn the uniforms of our military branches. Over 43,000,000 and counting. Over one million have given their all -- their lives; over 1,400,000 have been wounded -- for our country, the United States of America, 'the land of the free, and home of the brave'.

We must not forget these brave souls, and their families who also bore so much, who risk it all for defending and protecting our nation, our cities, our neigborhoods -- the very streets on which we live, the churches where we worship, and the schools we send our children to for a better chance in life. They paid a price -- for 'the price of freedom, liberty and justice for all' is very high. These blessings and opportunities are not free, and all must do their part to protect and maintain the great gifts bestowed upon us. It is the responsibility of every citizen, not government agencies and taxpayer dollars and programs. If left up to government, then none are free - but slaves to government. History throughout the world, and all nations, is a very complete, accurate record of the destiny of man, the rise and fall of societies. The weak fall into mediocrity - a lower state of existence; the strong mature, strive and work for a better present and future.

For me, and my household, I chose the latter.

So, I encourage a review, a heartfelt one, of these two paths to a better, stronger future for America:


"The Marines have landed; America the Disposable has landed; Semper Fi!"- Sergeant Major David E. Fox, United States Marine Corp

"The word needs to get out. Those of us who have seen the devaluation of life and social distortions over the last 40 years can see where we are headed.

Unfortunately, the young do not see it. Wisdom and age come with the price of seeing and understanding. Sometimes the price is very high." - author, Steve Hunyar.

"Liberalism has so many tentacles. Each on their own seemed harmless, but as each has come together, it has morphed into monstrosity of socialism, which is bearing fruit now. We have to stop it at all levels. A decidedly targeted attack is necessary. I pray each day that we will have the fortitude to make the sacrifices of forefathers and on our soldiers today have not gone for nothing.

The book attempts to arm conservatives with more facts. Liberals will not listen to facts, but independent minded people will. And certainly, the young. We need the young to stand up and take notice. They need to know that only 40 years ago, none of us had alarms on our homes and our cars. What has happened?
" - author, Steve Hunyar.

"We all pay a big price - every man, woman and child, the young and the old. Particularily those who serve in the military and as 1st responders who answer the call to duty to defend and protect us as we go about our daily lives. Freedom, liberty and justice for all has a price - it does not come easy, it is not free or without an effort and individual responsibility." - Bill's Country, the old Guardsman and volunteer firefighter.

Patrick Henry, who is called the firebrand of the American Revolution, is still remembered for his words, "Give me liberty or give me death." But in current textbooks the context of these words is deleted. Here is what he said: "An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."
These sentences have now been erased from our textbooks.


James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution of the United States, said this: "We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments."
Today we are asking God to bless America. But how can He bless a Nation that has departed so far from Him?

It is up to us to help guide America back 0n the right course ! That course as intended by our founding fathers.

Will you help ????

America needs us all !

God bless America, abundantly !

Sunday, October 19, 2008



Pause to pray for

these brave Americans

and their families!!!!

We owe them a lot !!!!

More than we can ever repay !

These brave Americans

come from and represent all those

from across our country -

throughout our history.

America is a shining city upon a hill --
-"As Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of American,
emphasized, America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."[1]
And, "As Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address to the nation, 'I've spoken of the Shining City all my political life. …In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still.'"[2]

I believe that is the gift given

by those we attempt to honor throughout these posts,

who gave their best, and often their all,

in service to our country, communities, neighbors and fellow citizens.

Puts everything in to perspective doesn't it?

Subject: I am not breaking this one, sorry!

You stay up for 16 hours
He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a 'headache', and call in sick.

He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure your cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your 'buddies' that aren't with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.

He doesn't get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told even if it puts his life in danger.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.

If you support your troops, send this to 7 people. If you don't support your troops well, then don't send this out. You won't die in 7 days, your love life won't be affected, and you won't have the worst day ever.You don't have to email this. It's not like you know the men and women that are dying to preserve your rights.

REMEMBER our Troops, and do not forget them LATER
Lest we forget -

They know who to depend on

and trust!

Spreading love in another land .... because we love our own ! And you will not see this reported by our own media at home. We need to change the thinking in our media if we are to spread love at home and abroad.

Love and tenderness ....
in the middle of war !

Comfort, tenderness and love in far away place, in a war zone,
to someone else's child,

BUT back home .... babies are aborted everyday !

No, something isn't right here in this country maybe,

but neither is it back home ....

with such an absense of love for little helpless ones who can not protect and defend themselves.

Shouldn't we change our attitudes and politics in America, the USA, 'the land of the free, and home of the brave' ?

A brief moment to rest,

and think about home !

When the going gets rough ---- the tough get going

to defend and protect America,

our freedoms and liberties,

our homes, streets, schools and communities !

Consider 'copying and pasting' this

to send to friends,

or refer them to this site


FREEDOM is not "FREE" !
LIBERTY is not "FREE" !

These proud Americans, and all those like them and before them,
have carried the burden and paid the price ....
while too, too many in our society have just simply waited

and wanted the government,
and all the taxpayers, to keep them up!
That is not the American way !
Not American citizenship either !

John F Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States of America

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the
final success or failure of our course
. Since this country was
founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.

The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

And so, my fellow Americans:

ask not what your country can do for you -

ask what you can do for your country.

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from
the hand of God.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we
shall pay any price
, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of

This much we pledge - and more.

We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms
are sufficient beyond doubt
can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been
granted the role
of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility - I welcome it.

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

I suggest that Congress members, those we elect to represent us,


should remember and pay heed to these words

of President John F. Kennedy,

a democrat,

that America prospers,

is always prepared to be defended and protected.

Ronald W. Regan, the 40th President of the United States of America

"Trust, but verify !"

"Mr. Gorbachevr. tear that wall down !"

I suggest that the Congress members, we elected to represent us,


should remember and pay heed to these words of wisdom

and strength of a leader and commander in chief of

President Ronald W. Regan

a republican,

to keep our military strong, well trained, well equipped, prepared always

to protect America against all the evil in a very unsettled and dangerous world !

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

John McCain - An America Hero

As far as Honesty, integrity, experience, courage and leadership goes, I have to support John McCain.
To show my support for him I produced a 7 min video which I posted on YouTube entitled:
John McCain America's Hero

Please pass it along to anyone who may want to see it.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Honoring Georgia's Fallen 1st Responders { A thru D }

Since U.S. Marshal Robert Forsyth was shot and killed on January 11, 1794,

while serving a civil warrant near Augusta, Georgia,

634 Georgians

have fallen in the line of duty

serving as

Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Corrections Officers, Emergency Medical Technicians and Emergency Management Agency Personnel.

Listed below in these four Posts are the names

of those we pause to honor and remember

for their devotion to duty and service

to the citizens of Georgia and Georgia's communities.


The Georgia Public Safety Memorial proudly displays the names of all those brave men and women honored for their dedication and sacrifice to the citizens of the State of Georgia. Above the names that are etched in granite is the theme of the Memorial, "WITH HONOR THEY SERVED". Each of the individuals listed did just that. They served with HONOR, with COURAGE, with DIGNITY, and with concern for their fellow man.

The earliest known line of duty death in our State, and for that matter the entire country, occurred January 11, 1794. A U.S. Marshal named Robert Forsyth was shot and killed while serving a civil warrant near Augusta. Marshal Forsyth was one of the original 13 U.S. Marshals appointed by President George Washington.

But this is only part of the story. At the time of his death, Marshal Forsyth had a 14 year old son named John. John Forsyth, this son of a slain Georgia law enforcement officer, was elected Governor of Georgia in 1827. And, in 1834, he was appointed Secretary of State by President Andrew Jackson and served in that capacity for seven years. As a result, both Forsyth County and the City of Forsyth were named after Robert Forsyth's son. It is quite ironic, but altogether appropriate, that the Georgia Public Safety Memorial which proudly bears the name of Robert Forsyth will be forevermore located in the community named in honor of his son.

Public Safety Memorial


The Georgia Public Safety Memorial was established to recognize Georgia's Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Corrections Officers, Emergency Medical Technicians and Emergency Management Agency Personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty. These brave men and women were dedicated to the pursuit of excellence, the protection of life and property and the proud tradition of the public safety services. The people of Georgia are eternally grateful to those who have sacrificed so much.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend."John 15:13

Georgia Public Safety Training Center1000 Indian Springs DriveForsyth, GA 31029

The Georgia Public Safety Training Center is visible from I75. Below are directions to the Training Center from a north or south approach. G.P.S.T.C. directional signs are posted prior to the exit.

Traveling north on I75, take exit number 188Turn right, go under the I75 overpass to the stop sign and turn rightGo 0.5 mile and turn left across the railroad tracks on the Training Center access road;

Traveling south on I75, take exit number 188Turn right at the stop signGo 0.5 mile and turn left across the railroad tracks on the Training Center access road.



No.----- Name----------- Agency ----------------Date of Death Location

1. Harvey James Adams Marietta Police Dept. 09/03/1986 N6L

2. Henry T. Adams Atlanta Police Dept. 12/07/1917 S6L

3. Richard M. Adams Columbus Police Dept. 10/14/1896 N5L

4. Jonas C. Aiken Atlanta Police Dept. 12/13/1924 N2L

5. Harry H. Akins Chatham Co. Police Dept. 11/21/1962 N3R

6. Robert Lee Albert Atlanta Police Dept. 07/13/1897 S1L

7. D. C. Alexander Walker County Sheriff's Office 08/11/1934 N2L

8. Elias Tinsley Allen Atlanta Fire Dept. 12/25/1935 S5L

9. James Allen Valdosta Police Dept. 10/16/1883 N6R

10. Troy Floyd Allen Waco Volunteer Fire Dept. 06/04/1971 S4R

11. Clyde Wilson Alley, III Tybee Island Police Department 04/11/1999 S6L

12. Arthur Lee Almand Atlanta Fire Dept. 10/26/1949 N3L

13. Perry Lee Anderson Chatham Co. Police Dept. 10/27/1934 N3L

14. William Gaines Andrews, Jr. Georgia State Patrol 05/08/1977 N1R

15. Hugo Fernando Arango Doraville Police Dept. 05/15/2000 S3R

16. Willie James Archie Swainsboro Police Dept. 12/21/1981 S1R

17. Oscar Atkinson Griffin Police Dept. 01/01/1928 S1L

18. Thomas Stanhope Atkisson DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 12/14/1976 S6R

19. Dan Webster Ayers Franklin Co. Sheriff's Office 11/07/1964 S1R


No.----- Name------- Agency--------------Date of Death Location

1. Gus B. Bailey Swainsboro Police Dept. 04/01/1925 S2L

2. Clifford David Barber Jackson Co. Sheriff's Office 01/19/1919 N6R

3. Eugene W. Barge College Park Police Dept. 11/07/1974 S5L

4. John Curtis Barker Bartow Co. Fire Dept. 06/17/1986 S4L

5. Larry Barkwell Atlanta Police Dept. 06/19/1973 N3L

6. Wade Barrett, Jr. DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 04/08/1991 N5L

7. Francis Marion Bass Lee County Sheriff's Office 02/11/1914 N6R

8. John Frank Bass Georgia State Patrol 02/15/1950 S1L

9. Marion Woods Bass Columbus Fire Dept. 01/01/1973 S5L

10. Donald Douglas Baty Atlanta Police Dept. 06/03/1970 N3L

11. Ronald Eugene Bays Barrow Co. Sheriff's Office 01/23/1992 S1L

12. Howard Haley Beck, Jr. Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/30/1971 S3R

13. Doyle Thomas Bell Waco Volunteer Fire Dept. 06/04/1971 S5L

14. Kenneth Charles Bell Atlanta Police Dept. 04/04/1968 S6R

15. Gary Frank Beringause Georgia Tech Police Dept. 11/28/1986 S5R

16. Clifford T. Berry Swainsboro Fire Dept. 04/01/1925 S2R

17. Guy Samuel Berry Augusta Police Dept. 11/08/1934 S4L

18. Wilbur Lewis Berry Bulloch Co. Sheriff's Office 05/19/2001 N1L

19. Christopher R. Betts East Point Police Dept. 12/22/2002 S5R

20. Robbie Edward Bishop Villa Rica Police Dept. 01/20/1999 S1L

21. William F. Black, Jr. Georgia State Patrol 12/20/1940 S5L

22. Jimmy Lee Bland Savannah Police Dept. 09/26/1966 S5L

23. Aaron Jovon Blount Fulton Co. Police Dept. 04/22/2003 N3R

24. Casper Othello Bone Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/06/1925 S5L

25. Jack E. Boone Columbus Police Dept. 02/15/1973 N3R

26. Elton Dewitt Bostick Mitchell Co. Sheriff's Office 11/06/1978 N1R

27. Joe Gilbert Bostwick Carroll Co. Fire Dept. 01/11/1982 N3L

28. Thomas M. Bowen Columbus Police Dept. 03/11/1984 N4L

29. James Neal Bowers Columbus Police Dept. 04/04/1979 N6L

30. Henry Walter Bradshaw Meriwether Co. Sheriff's Office 12/15/1973 N5R

31. William Carl Branch Meriwether Co. C.I. 08/02/1976 S4R

32. Tom Watson Brantley Candler Co. Sheriff's Office 11/07/1945 N1L

33. James E. Bravo U.S. ATF 10/11/1929 S1L

34. Robert Gerald Bridges Clayton Co. Sheriff's Office 07/09/1986 S6R

35. Derwin Brown DeKalb Co. Police Department 12/16/2000 S2L

36. Drew Haynes Brown Cobb Co. Police Dept. 12/17/1983 S1L

37. Hobert Luther Brown Blue Ridge Police Dept. 12/22/1959 S5L

38. Jeremy Matthew Brown Screven Co. Fire Dept. 05/14/2002 S3L

39. John Joseph Brown Savannah Police Dept. 04/14/1981 S6L

40. Kipley Allen Brown Laurens Co. Sheriff's Office 11/20/1993 S3L

41. Mary Jo Brown U.S. Forest Service 11/20/1994 S5R

42. Micah C. Brown Marta Police Department 10/28/2003 N4L

43. Randy Eugene Brown Albany Police Dept. 06/10/1979 S1L

44. Walter Clifford Brown Jenkins County Sheriff's Office 04/13/1919 S3L

45. Jack C. Bryan Hall Co. Sheriff's Office 03/08/1923 N1L

46. David Jackson Bryant Lincoln Co. EMS 04/19/1986 S2R

47. James Clinton Bryant Broxton Police Dept. 01/03/2000 S1L

48. William Lee Bryant GA Dept. of Natural Resources 12/23/1970 N2L

49. Samuel Bryson Savannah Police Dept. 11/04/1868 S3L

50. John Henry Buckner Polk Co. Sheriff's Office 09/14/1961 N2L

51. J. E. Buffington Macon Fire Dept. 05/06/1910 N4L

52. Sam Gray Bulloch, III LaGrange Police Dept. 01/22/1986 N3L

53. Dalton Burnam Dodge Co. Sheriff's Office 10/07/1973 N4L

54. Stacy Rama Burnett Johnson State Prison 06/20/1996 N2R

55. George Clifford Burnett, III East Point Police Dept. 07/16/1966 S1L

56. Sumpter Burns Columbus Police Dept. 11/06/1946 N2L

57. Kenneth Raymond Burton Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 01/04/2004 N4R

58. Charles J. Busby Atlanta Police Dept. 08/28/1959 N1R


No. -----Name------------ Agency --------------------Date of Death Location

1. Alonzo Rush Cagle Cherokee Co. Sheriff's Office 07/16/1923 N6L

2. Justin T. Cain LaGrange Police Department 07/23/2000 S4R

3. Patrick J. Callahan Augusta Fire Dept. 04/28/1913 S1R

4. Willie D. Cameron Atlanta Police Dept. 02/06/1987 S5L

5. Thomas W. Camp Campbell Co. Sheriff's Office 04/03/1931 S4R

6. James Millard Cannon, Jr. Atlanta Police Dept. 06/17/1973 N3L

7. James William Cantrell Forsyth Co. Sheriff's Office 01/10/1972 S4L

8. W. Lee Cape Pickens Co. Police Dept. 09/17/1927 N4R

9. Henry Larry Caraballo Pearson Police Dept. 08/12/1990 N4L

10. Dennis Larry Carder Atlanta Police Department 05/09/1996 N1R

11. Lucius Franklin Carey Union City Police Dept. 11/03/1956 S1L

12. Oscar Freeman Carpenter Taylor Co. Sheriff's Office 12/29/1988 N2R

13. James M. Carroll Fulton Co. Police Dept. 12/01/1931 S5L

14. John Charles Cash East Point Police Dept. 05/15/1913 N2R

15. Richard Lewis Cash Forest Park Police Dept. 01/03/1996 N2L

16. A. Clyde Cawthorn Atlanta Fire Dept. 07/30/1927 N3L

17. James Henry Chandler, Jr. Fort Oglethorpe Police Dept. 09/25/1982 S5L

18. S. Blake Chapman Atlanta Fire Dept. 09/29/1921 N5R

19. Jay Vernon Chastain, Sr. Towns Co. Sheriff's Office 12/08/1974 S1R

20. Ronald Charles Cheek Oglethorp Co. Sheriff's Office 08/05/1995 N1L

21. Carlton R. Cherry, Sr. Rutledge State Prison 02/27/1997 S2L

22. Charles Brantley Chesney Forsyth Co. Fire Dept. 12/27/1996 S3R

23. Cleveland Ray Christian Brunswick Police Dept. 05/16/1986 S3R

24. William S. Christian Rockdale Co. Sheriff's Office 09/23/1917 S5R

25. Anthony James Cilurso Warner Robins Police Dept. 03/05/1990 N3L

26. James Clark Athens-Clarke Co. 05/24/2000 S6R

27. Melvin J. Clark U.S. ATF 06/17/1947 N2R

28. Hugh Dorsey Cleveland Elberton Police Dept. 09/30/1951 S1L

29. James Floyd Cody Griffin Police Dept. 12/24/1951 S1R

30. Johnnie Davis Cole Georgia Pardon & Parole 03/18/1971 S4L

31. Walter Nathan Coleman Camden Co. Sheriff's Office 05/19/1985 N6L

32. William Frank Coley Atlanta Fire Dept. 09/12/1922 S1L

33. Larry Paul Collins Georgia State Patrol 11/05/1973 S5L

34. William M. Collins Augusta Police Dept. 07/02/1910 N6R

35. John Franklin Conner, Sr. Cochran Police Dept. 01/22/1972 N1L

36. Sidney Jones Coogler, Jr. Atlanta Fire Dept. 03/14/1935 N4L

37. Carnell Cook Fulton Co. BOE Police Dept. 09/29/1999 S2L

38. Emmett J. Cook Waycross Fire Dept. 06/07/1955 S2L

39. Layne Bruce Cook Atlanta Police Dept. 01/27/1989 S5R

40. William Howard Cooper Rome Fire Dept. 06/30/1964 N3R

41. Herbert D. Copeland Brunswick Police Dept. 03/11/1956 S5L

42. Henry F. Corley Savannah Fire Dept. 05/10/1913 S2L

43. Billy Edward Cowart Decatur Police Dept. 01/17/1971 N5R

44. Cleve Cowart Swainsboro Fire Dept. 04/01/1925 S1R

45. Randall Gail Cowart Bartow Co. Fire Dept. 10/22/1978 N5L

46. Lee Franklin Coxwell GDC, Probation Division 11/15/1986 S5L

47. Charles Edward Crabtree Atlanta Police Dept. 05/16/1902 S5L

48. George Russell Crane, Jr. Morgan Co. Fire Dept. 07/11/1996 N3L

49. Charles Weir Crankshaw Atlanta Police Dept. 02/02/1930 N1R

50. James G. Crawford Atlanta Police Dept. 01/14/1978 S4L

51. Earl Benford Crenshaw Albany Police Dept. 06/18/1956 S5R

52. Lee Anthony Crews Valdosta Police Dept. 01/24/1984 N3R

53. Verlon James Crider Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/29/1971 S3L

54. Bobby Gene Crowe Georgia Forestry Commission 03/13/1995 N3L

55. John Crowley Augusta Fire Dept. 10/27/1910 N5R

56. Jarvis Darren Crumley DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 12/29/1998 N2R

57. Robert Cunningham, Jr. Iron City Police Dept. 08/27/1986 S4R


No. -----Name--------------- Agency ------------Date of Death Location

1. Grady Franklin Dacus Buford Police Dept. 03/23/1968 N6L

2. Robert Michael Dale Atlanta Police Dept. 04/04/1974 N3L

3. E. P. Daley Savannah Fire Dept. 12/20/1906 N2R

4. Eddie Mack Davis Rutledge State Prison 02/27/1997 S1R

5. Gregory L. Davis Atlanta Police Dept. 08/26/1988 S5R

6. Henry Tillman Davis Gainesville Police Dept. 09/29/1972 N3R

7. Joseph Emanuel Davis Atlanta Police Dept. 06/07/1989 S1R

8. Ralph K. Davis Gwinnett Co. Police Dept. 04/17/1964 S5R

9. Stephen Davis Ocilla Police Dept. 06/26/1910 S3R

10. Wyndall T. Davis DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 12/03/1981 S6R

11. George Dawson Atlanta Police Dept. 02/25/1994 N3R

12. Edward H. DeBray Atlanta Police Dept. 06/20/1901 S3R

13. David E. DeLoach U.S. Customs 07/14/1993 S5R

14. William Levi DeLoach Georgia Bureau of Investigation 07/14/1993 S1R

15. Morris H. Dean Atlanta Fire Dept. 02/15/1953 S1R

16. R. N. Deaver Brunswick Police Dept. 03/06/1915 S3L

17. Mercer Leroy Denby Tifton Police Dept. 08/28/1942 N3R

18. Robert Lee Dennard Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/06/1925 S6L

19. Douglas F. Denney U.S. ATF 01/20/1964 S1R

20. Brett Channing Dickey Gilmer Co. Sheriff's Office 02/14/1996 N1R

21. Charles Richard Dickson Atlanta Police Dept. 04/14/1962 N5R

22. Tyrone Collier Dillard Georgia State Patrol 02/03/1977 N1L

23. Kyle Wayne Dinkheller Laurens Co. Sheriff's Office 01/12/1998 S4L

24. Hoke Dixon Vidalia Police Dept. 03/20/1965 S4R

25. Roy Watson Dooley Atlanta Police Dept. 12/06/1979 S5R

26. Joseph William Doolittle Augusta Fire Dept. 12/27/1949 N5L

27. J. M. Dopson Macon Police Dept. 05/11/1938 N3R

28. George Dorminy Ben Hill Co. Sheriff's Office 04/06/1919 S5L

29. William D. Dorsey U.S. ATF 06/13/1920 N3R

30. Charles Dougherty Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/07/1913 S1R

31. Hans E. Drasbach Atlanta Police Dept. 10/03/1903 S6L

32. Charlie Joseph Drawdy Jesup Police Department 07/27/1949 N4L

33. Samuel Gordon Duke Columbus Fire Dept. 02/01/1949 N4R

34. Thomas William Dunbar Albany Police Dept. 10/26/1961 N2L

35. Scott Daniel Duncan Atlanta Fire Dept. 07/16/1981 S5R

36. Charles William Duren Adel Fire Dept. 12/09/1987 N5R

37. Hiram Benjamin Durrett Atlanta Police Dept. 10/17/1963 N6L

38. Hoyle W. Dye Atlanta Police Dept. 11/09/1960 N3R


God Bless America

and those who serve to

defend and protect her !

Honoring Georgia's Fallen 1st Responders { E thru K }


No.-----Name---------Agency----------Date of Death Location

1. Harry J. Eady Savannah Fire Dept. 12/19/1906 N1R

2. William L. Ehrensberger Toccoa Falls Fire Dept. 11/06/1977 N2L

3. Michael Elam Worth Co. EMS 07/24/2000 S2R

4. Frank Mitchell Ellerbe Georgia Bureau of Investigation 01/12/1983 N1R

5. William Allen Elliott Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 02/25/1968 N6R

6. William S. Elliott Columbus Police Dept. 03/27/1901 S3L

7. Clyde Lamar Ellsberry Atlanta Police Dept. 07/19/1955 S3R

8. William C. Ellzey Savannah Police Dept. 09/26/1926 N2L

9. James Howard Emerson Warwick Police Dept. 10/25/1968 N2R

10. Michael Everette Etchison, Sr. Monroe Police Dept. 10/11/1977 S4R

11. Earl W. Eubanks Savannah Police Dept. 12/23/1941 S2R

12. Eddie Roe Evans Jackson Co. Sheriff's Office 11/04/1994 S5L

13. Ernest S. Evans Columbus Police Dept. 10/25/1935 S1R

14. Herbert Lee Evans, Jr. Augusta Police Dept. 07/03/1988 S4L

15. Jerry Reed Everett Gwinnett Co. Police Dept. 04/17/1964 S5R


No.-----Name-----------------Agency-----------Date of Death Location

1. John James Faircloth Cadwell Police Dept. 02/06/1944 N3R

2. Juddie Bernard Farr Athens Fire Dept. 12/20/1937 N6L

3. John Grady Favors Macon Police Dept. 08/20/1942 S3R

4. Joseph Early Fennell Cadwell Police Dept. 11/01/1942 S4R

5. Charles Douglas Fernander Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/29/1971 S2L

6. Garland E. Fields Georgia Bureau of Investigation 03/03/1948 N3L

7. Raymond M. Fisher Atlanta Fire Dept. 07/20/1908 N3L

8. Herbert Vincent Fitzgerald Savannah Police Dept. 08/01/1929 S2R

9. Joseph C. Flanders Swainsboro Police Dept. 07/18/1902 N6L

10. David Charles Fledderjohann Toccoa Falls Fire Dept. 11/06/1977 N2R

11. Adam Reid Fleshner Charlton Co. Sheriff's Office 01/13/2003 N5L

12. David Larry Folds Fulton Co. Marshal's Office 12/28/1977 S5L

13. Moses W. Formwalt DeKalb Co. Sheriff's Office 05/01/1852 S2R

14. Robert Forsyth U.S. Marshals Service 01/11/1794 S1L

15. Michael Todd Foster Clayton Vol. Fire Dept. 01/02/1987 S6L

16. John Louis Francisco, Sr. Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 08/16/1982 N1L

17. William Milford Freeman, Jr. Martinez Fire Dept. 03/09/1985 S1R

18. Walter Owen Fulford Hall Co. C. I. 01/24/1990 S5R

19. Stacy Milton Fuller Smyrna Police Dept. 11/16/1984 N5L


No.-----Name-----------------Agency--------------Date of Death Location

1. Tony Jackson Garrett Carrollton Police Dept. 12/28/1975 S3R

2. Donald Terry Garrison Cobb Co. Sheriff's Office 04/27/1990 N3R

3. E. C. Garrison U.S. Marshals Service 12/24/1902 S5R

4. Edwin Cecil Garrison, Jr. DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 09/20/1946 N1R

5. Samuel D. Gentry DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 04/08/1925 S3L

6. Harry C. Gibson Columbus Police Dept. 04/06/1943 S5L

7. N. Harry Gibson Columbus Police Dept. 09/12/1915 N4R

8. James Edward Giddens Ray City Police Dept. 02/11/1976 S4L

9. Paul T. Giles Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/16/1968 S2R

10. James Ira Gillespie Atlanta Fire Dept. 02/26/1913 S1L

11. Stephen Gerard Gilner Cobb Co. Police Dept. 07/24/1999 S1R

12. Seaborn Ira Gilstrap Lee Arrendale C.I. 04/01/1957 S6L

13. Marcel Shannon Glenn Cairo Fire Dept. 01/18/1996 S4L

14. George Edward Goare Webster Co. Sheriff's Office 04/11/1985 N5R

15. Tommy Richard Gober, Jr. DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 06/28/1980 S3L

16. William Frank Godbold Chatham Co. Police Dept. 03/29/1929 S1L

17. William David Godwin Cook Co. EMS 01/31/1995 N4L

18. Tommy Lee Goggins Rutledge State Prison 02/27/1997 S1L

19. Henry B. Goodson Savannah Fire Dept. 07/12/1889 N2R

20. Robert Lee Gotel Monticello Police Dept. 08/27/1979 S2L

21. Lewis Bartow Grady Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/29/1971 S2R

22. Thomas Grant Atlanta Police Dept. 05/16/1902 S4L

23. Marvin Jesse Gravitt Gwinnett Co. Police Dept. 04/17/1964 N6R

24. Charles Eugene Gray Georgia State Patrol 08/16/1961 S2L

25. Harry Green Bibb Co. Sheriff's Office 05/15/1925 S6R

26. James Richard Greene Atlanta Police Dept. 11/03/1971 N3L

27. George Washington Greene, Jr. Valdosta Police Dept. 08/02/1971 S6L

28. Wayne Griglen Rutledge State Prison 02/27/1997 S2R

29. James Virgil Griner Ben Hill Co. Sheriff's Office 08/30/1951 S6L

30. Ann Marie Guinta DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 07/20/2002 S4R

31. Michael Allen Gurley Fulton Co. Fire Dept. 09/18/1985 N3R

32. Samuel Milton Guy Atlanta Police Dept. 01/07/1975 N4L

33. William O. Gwyn Pike Co. Sheriff's Office 04/02/1896 N3L


No.----- Name-------------- Agency-------------- Date of Death Location

1. David Leslie Hagins Fulton Co. Police Dept. 12/14/1980 S5L

2. S. N. Haley Elbert Co. Sheriff's Office 05/21/1916 S4R

3. Marcus Lee Hall, Sr. Jeff Davis Sheriff's Office 06/21/1992 N6R

4. Jack William Hammack Terrell Co. Sheriff's Office 11/11/1980 S2L

5. Daniel J. Hancock Georgia Revenue Dept. 05/17/1962 S6L

6. William M. Hannah Dalton Police Dept. 09/21/1899 S2L

7. Willis Richardson Haralson Cordele Police Dept. 05/04/1975 S2L

8. John Alvin Harden Ellaville Police Dept. 11/13/1965 S4L

9. Walter Lee Harden, Sr. Macon Police Dept. 05/11/1987 N4L

10. Samuel Butler Hardy Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 02/09/1934 N6R

11. Barney Edward Harmon Augusta Police Dept. 03/10/1932 S3R

12. William E. Harrell Savannah Fire Dept. 05/26/1897 N6R

13. Frank N. Harris Savannah Fire Dept. 05/30/1905 N1L

14. Jimmy Otis Harris Augusta Police Dept. 01/18/1970 S4L

15. Larry Russell Harris, Jr. Morgan Co. Vol. Fire Dept. 08/05/1993 S2R
16. Dan Harrison Georgia Dept. of Corrections 07/23/1978 N3R

17. Charles B. Harvey Columbus Police Dept. 05/20/1920 N3L

18. Habersham H. Harvey Savannah Police Dept. 10/20/1881 S6R

19. John T. Harvil Macon Fire Dept. 04/14/1960 S6L

20. William L. Hattaway Laurens Co. Police Dept. 12/24/1919 S6R

21. James Cromer Haupfear Augusta Police Dept. 01/14/1984 S2L

22. Robert Keith Hawkins DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 02/07/1980 S2R

23. James Melvin Haywood Richmond Co. C. I. 02/18/1971 S1R

24. John Arthur Hazelton Camden Co. Sheriff's Office 01/01/1964 S6L

25. Julian Harwell Head Atlanta Fire Dept. 02/17/1942 N4L

26. Harry H. Heard Fulton Co. Police Dept. 10/20/1923 N2L

27. James L. Heard Fulton Co. Police Dept. 09/24/1906 N6L
28. James Grover Henderson Georgia State Prison 06/03/2002 S4L

29. Lurel Sidney Henderson DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 08/12/1927 N3R

30. Joseph Stephen Henderson, Sr. Tifton Police Dept. 07/18/1942 S2L

31. Dennis Ray Herring Camden Co. Sheriff's Office 08/30/1974 S1L
32. George Wayman Hester Ocilla Police Dept. 09/12/1996 S3R

33. Michael T. Hester Lilburn Police Dept. 04/19/1994 S6L

34. Thomas Roscoe Hinson Macon Police Dept. 06/21/1965 S3R

35. Floyd G. Hoard Solicitor General, Piedmont 08/07/1967 S5R

36. William Francis Hodges Savannah Police Dept. 08/10/1924 S1L

37. Daniel Alexander Hodgson Chatham Co. Police Dept. 03/20/1976 S4R

38. Bobbie Jenkins Hoenie Dawson County Sheriff's Office 03/20/1998 S5R

39. John Edward Holbrook Clarkston Police Dept. 02/25/1994 S3R

40. Pleasant Eugene Holt Villa Rica Police Dept. 04/18/1908 N4L

41. John William Hood Cobb Co. Police Dept. 06/25/1960 S2L

42. Cato J. Horne Columbus Fire Dept. 01/26/1937 N5R

43. Gregory Phillip Howard Floyd Co. Police Dept. 12/16/1994 S6L

44. Kenneth Gordon Howe Macon Police Dept. 10/06/1967 S6L

45. Harry O. Howell Atlanta Fire Dept. 04/24/1889 N1R

46. William Ricky Hudson Ben Hill Co. Sheriff's Office 02/22/1990 N2R

47. Orrick Raymond Hughes Savannah Police Dept. 08/18/1928 N6R

48. G. R. Hulburt Columbus Fire Dept. 03/15/1842 S1R

49. Pressley Eugene Humphrey Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 06/07/1965 S2R

50. Robert Leonard Hylemon Covington Police Dept. 09/04/1976 S6L

No.----- Name--------- Agency------- Date of Death Location

1. John Earl Ingle Dalton Fire Dept. 03/30/1964 N5L

2. Robert James Ingram Cobb Co. Police Dept. 07/13/1993 S6L


No.----- Name----------- Agency------- Date of Death Location

1. Richard W. Jackson U.S. ATF 12/16/1920 N4L

2. William Jackson Columbus Police Dept. 10/14/1896 N5R

3. Roy Edward James Moultrie Police Dept. 08/13/1960 S6R

4. Anthony Jenkins Meigs Police Dept. 04/28/1980 N6L

5. Carlton Daniel Jenkins Camden Co. Sheriff's Office 08/28/2000 S5R

6. G. E. Jenkins Campbell Co. Sheriff's Office 01/15/1925 S1R

7. Glenn H. Jenkins Georgia Revenue Dept. 10/08/1962 N3L

8. Joe Ben Jenkins Cartersville Police Dept. 09/05/1930 S3R

9. Raymond Haley Jenkins Valdosta Police Dept. 12/16/1941 N6R

10. Richard Cullen Jenkins Tennille Volunteer Fire Dept. 08/22/1997 S2R

11. Billy Ray Jiles Carroll Co. Sheriff's Office 09/03/2002 S5L

12. Niles Frederick Johantgen Atlanta Police Dept. 12/21/1991 N4L

13. Henry Orlander Johnson Muscogee Co. Sheriff's Office 12/04/1955 S6L

14. Herbert D. Johnson Bogart Police Dept. 12/07/1977 N3L

15. James Hilton Johnson Ware Co. Police Dept. 07/22/1931 N2L

16. Robert Hayward Johnson Manchester Fire Dept. 02/21/1963 N3R

17. Wilford Eugene Johnson DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 09/07/1952 S2L

18. William Oliver Johnson Twiggs County Sheriff's Office 04/15/1914 S3L

19. Alfred Morris Johnson, Jr. Atlanta Police Dept. 02/16/1980 S2L

20. Edward William Jones Polk County Police Dept. 01/09/1970 N1L

21. Felt Jones Fayette Co. Police Dept. 08/17/1925 N1L

22. Guy Frederick Jones DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 06/05/1968 N1L

23. Preston Kinney Jones Macon Police Dept. 10/27/1989 N1R

24. Willie Basil Jones Candler Co. Sheriff's Office 11/07/1945 S6R

25. Henry Lee Jones, Sr. Atlanta Police Dept. 12/12/1973 S6L

26. Troy Veotis Jordan Ellaville Police Dept. 01/21/1969 N4L

27. Harvey Thomas Jordan, Jr. Byron Fire Dept. 03/01/1978 N1R

28. Charles E. Joyce, Sr. Dalton Fire Dept. 03/30/1964 N5R

29. John Ross Juneau SW GA Regional Airport PD 05/02/2003 N5R


No.----- Name-------- Agency------------ Date of Death Location

1. Michael F. Kain Savannah Fire Dept. 07/26/1904 S6R

2. Frank Andrew Kania, Sr. Chatham Co. Police Dept. 05/24/1979 N6R

3. Billy Michael Kaylor Atlanta Police Dept. 08/23/1971 S2L

4. Dessie Kea Vidalia Police Dept. 03/17/1966 N2L

5. Larry C. Kent Macon Fire Dept. 10/01/1987 S6L

6. Thomas J. Kersey Hazlehurst Police Dept. 12/09/1923 N2L

7. Marion Howell Key Atlanta Police Dept. 03/04/1948 N3L

8. Jack Kimbrew U.S. Marshals Service 09/11/1878 S6L

9. Richard Leon Kinchen Fulton Co. Sheriff's Office 03/17/2000 S3R

10. Clyde C. King Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/06/1925 S5R

11. John Thomas King, III Georgia Bureau of Investigation 09/13/1985 N6R

12. Robert M. Kirk Georgia Bureau of Investigation 08/29/1988 S6R

13. Edward Kitchens Douglasville Police Dept. 09/22/1983 N5L

14. William Jones Kittrell Gainesville Police Dept. 12/25/1890 S4L

15. Alan J. Klumpp U.S. Customs 07/14/1993 N4L

16. James Ivan Knick Suwannee Police Dept. 04/27/1965 S2L

17. Sydney Earl Konkle Atlanta Fire Dept. 05/06/1925 S3R


God Bless America

and those who serve to

defend and protect her !

Honoring Georgia's Fallen 1st Responders { L thru R }


No. -----Name-------- Agency -------------Date of Death Location

1. Clois W. Lamb Columbus Police Dept. 12/12/1989 N2L

2. David Paul Land Forsyth Co. Sheriff's Dept. 03/26/2003 N6L

3. James Henry Landrum Louisville Police Dept. 02/29/1956 N2R

4. Phelps Allyn Lane Forsyth Co. Fire Dept. 04/01/1975 N6R

5. Henry Miller Lang Lincoln Co. Sheriff's Office 05/16/1893 N1L

6. Donward Francis Langston Georgia State Patrol 07/26/1983 N2R

7. Hugh J. Larkin Savannah Fire Dept. 01/03/1911 N6L

8. William P. Leach Atlanta Fire Dept. 04/24/1889 N1L

9. William Marion Lee Glynn Co. Police Dept. 07/27/1943 N5R

10. Carl E. Leonard Macon Police Dept. 06/20/1934 N1L

11. Johnny DeWayne Lewis Jeff Davis Co. Fire Dept. 09/07/1980 S3R

12. Michael Lynn Little Atlanta Police Dept. 02/16/1967 N2R

13. General George Lominick Macon Fire Dept. 04/27/1968 S3L

14. Robert Lee Long Augusta Fire Dept. 04/20/1938 N6R

15. Frederick H. Looney Georgia State Patrol 05/25/1962 S6R

16. Frank E. Lott Polk Co. Sheriff's Office 06/23/1974 N6L

17. Charles A. Lowe Atlanta Fire Dept. 02/09/1915 N4R

18. Tony Michael Lumley Georgia State Patrol 12/02/2003 N6R

19. Edward Sigfrid Lundell, Jr. Reidsville Fire Dept. 04/01/1976 N3L

20. Daniel E. Lynch Atlanta Fire Dept. 03/23/1871 S5L

21. Sherry Lyons-Williams Atlanta Police Dept. 04/04/2001 S2R


No. -----Name------------- Agency--------------- Date of Death Location

1. Mark Allen MacPhail Savannah Police Dept. 08/19/1989 S2R

2. William Henry Maeger Tallapoosa Police Department 02/13/1910 N4R

3. James Christopher Magill Gwinnett Co. Police Dept. 05/23/1993 S6R

4. Donald James Mander Macon Police Dept. 08/23/1986 N1R

5. Lorie James Mangham Lamar Co. Sheriff's Office 12/25/1936 N5L

6. James A. Manier Atlanta Police Dept. 12/06/1907 N6L

7. William Thomas Manning Tallapoosa Police Dept. 02/11/1973 N3L

8. Marion Marchant Columbus Police Dept. 04/17/1911 N6R

9. James Franklin Marchbanks Savannah Police Dept. 06/30/1976 S5R

10. Walter H. Marlow Savannah Police Dept. 03/27/1921 N5L

11. Dennis Clarence Martin Forsyth Co. Fire Dept. 09/08/1984 N4R

12. H. Vilas Martin Hall Co. Sheriff's Office 03/08/1923 N5R

13. Johnathan Cole Martin Chatsworth Police Dept. 04/25/2003 S2L

14. Pearl Martin Atlanta Police Dept. 12/15/1961 N2R

15. Christopher Bieker May Fulton Co. Police Dept. 08/19/1991 N4R

16. William Thompson McCown, Sr. Cedartown Police Dept. 07/31/1954 S4L

17. W. C. McCreary Macon Fire Dept. 05/06/1910 N5L

18. Doreen Elizabeth McCumber Chatham Co. Police Dept. 11/04/1988 N1L

19. David A. McCutchen, Sr. Tybee Island Police Dept. 04/10/1963 N4L

20. John E. McDaniel Atlanta Police Dept. 08/19/1928 N5L

21. James J. McGinley Savannah Police Dept. 02/20/1916 S4L

22. J. P. McInnis Irwin Co. Sheriff's Office 06/26/1910 N3R

23. Robert Joseph McKenna Fort Gordon Military Police 02/22/1966 S3R

24. Frank McStay Savannah Fire Dept. 09/23/1896 N4R

25. J. Harry McWilliams Atlanta Police Dept. 11/13/1946 N2L

26. Homer Terrell Meeks Toccoa Fire Dept. 01/02/1954 S6L

27. Harlow Douglas Meers Rome Police Dept. 06/10/1972 N1R

28. Barry Dean Melear Atlanta Police Dept. 09/23/1977 S2R

29. Thomas Jackson Meredith Moultrie Police Dept. 08/25/1973 N3R

30. Clyde Almond Merritt Coffee Co. Sheriff's Office 01/03/2000 S1L

31. Raymond Bussell Merritt, Sr. Tift Co. Sheriff's Office 06/08/1991 N5R

32. T. Carl Mills Atlanta Police Dept. 08/05/1898 N2R

33. Roy Eldon Milstead Floyd Co. Sheriff's Office 06/18/1965 S3L

34. Donald Lee Mitchell DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 07/02/1972 N2L

35. William R. Mitchell Chatham Co. Police Dept. 09/08/1918 S6R

36. Edwin Bryson Mitchell, Jr. Atlanta Police Dept. 05/17/1967 S6R

37. James Lonnie Mize DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 02/06/1954 S3L

38. Frank Wade Mobley Savannah Police Dept. 07/20/1968 N2L

39. Lester D. Montford Dodge Co. Sheriff's Office 08/23/1925 N1R

40. Russell S. Montgomery Macon Co. EMS 08/09/1994 N4R

41. William Washington Moore Augusta Police Dept. 08/16/1921 N3R

42. Raymond Moreland Lee County Sheriff's Office 12/19/1915 S2R

43. Richard Jacob Morgan Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 09/01/1919 N6R

44. John Dixon Morris Georgia State Patrol 05/18/1982 S6R

45. Aaron Morton Augusta Fire Dept. 06/28/1896 N3R

46. Maxie Edward Mote Clarkesville Police Dept. 08/05/1971 N4L

47. George Mouro Savannah Fire Dept. 12/20/1906 N2L

48. James Tillman Moye Seaboard Air Line RR Police Dep 09/01/1931 S2R

49. Larry Lee Mulkey Forsyth Co. Sheriff's Office 01/10/1972 N4R

50. William Thomas Mull McCaysville Police Dept. 03/05/1955 N2L

51. Gregory Player Mullinax Austell Police Dept. 02/08/1981 N4R

52. Asa Duke Mullis, Sr. Valdosta Police Dept. 08/12/1924 N3R

53. Claude E. Mundy, Jr. Atlanta Police Dept. 01/05/1961 N1R

54. Norman Murkerson Bainbridge Police Dept. 11/17/1953 N5L

55. F. H. Murphy Augusta Police Dept. 08/30/1905 S3R

56. Matthew Murphy Columbus Police Dept. 12/26/1874 S2R

57. Joe Murray Augusta Police Dept. 12/24/1894 S6R


No. -----Name---------------- Agency-------- Date of Death Location

1. Robert M. Netherland Atlanta Fire Dept. 01/14/1920 N2L

2. Jensen C. Neve Savannah Police Dept. 02/10/1894 N4R

3. Harvey Lewis Nicholson Georgia State Patrol 08/18/1961 S2R

4. James Charles Nix DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 09/07/1952 S2R

5. Charles Richard Norred DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 09/08/1971 S6R


No. -----Name-------------- Agency--------- Date of Death Location

1. Walter Leon O'Cain Macon Police Dept. 06/11/1948 N3R

2. Allen Kay O'Neal Crawford Co. Sheriff's Office 01/25/1975 N5R

3. Ronald Everett O'Neal Georgia State Patrol 01/10/1984 N3L

4. John J. O'Reilly Chatham Co. Police Dept. 10/21/1939 S1R

5. Charlie Earl Oglesby Twin City Police Dept. 12/20/1968 N3R

6. N. G. Osborn Columbus Police Dept. 01/31/1901 S2R

7. George Larry Osborne Hancock Co. Sheriff's Office 01/26/1986 S1R

8. Charles E. Osborne, Jr. Columbus Police Dept. 08/08/1994 S4R

9. Hugh G. Osburn Atlanta Police Dept. 05/16/1902 S4R

10. William Teasley Owen Toccoa Police Dept. 02/26/1940 S2L


No. -----Name------------ Agency--------- Date of Death Location

1. Mack Allen Page Georgia State Patrol 06/22/1968 N1R

2. Jack Parker East Point Police Dept. 07/28/1929 S2L

3. Ronald Carl Parker Columbus Fire Dept. 01/01/1970 N4R

4. William R. Parker Augusta Police Dept. 02/08/1893 S4R

5. William Grady Pate Columbus Police Dept. 02/05/1921 S6R

6. John Robert Patrick Gwinnett Co. Fire Dept. 04/14/2003 S3L

7. Marcus S. Patton Hall Co. Sheriff's Office 02/07/1921 S5R

8. Julius Prentice Peavy Macon Fire Dept. 10/11/1960 N1L

9. Carlton Peebles Georgia Revenue Dept. 02/06/1970 N4R

10. Hiram H. Peeler Athens Fire Dept. 02/24/1928 N6L

11. Sife Perdue Columbus Police Dept. 01/05/1994 S1L

12. Charles Linton Phillips DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 10/07/1932 S5R

13. Miles Henry Phillips DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 08/12/1927 N4L

14. Troy Layne Pierce Georgia Bureau of Investigation 12/02/1997 N4L

15. Victor M. Pimentel Hinesville Police Dept. 02/22/1997 N1R

16. Samuel Lee Pitts Clarkesville Fire Dept. 06/30/1979 S1R

17. Carlton Melvin Pond Richmond Co. Sheriff's Office 04/24/1957 N5R

18. Thomas J. Ponder Atlanta Police Dept. 11/08/1897 S1R

19. Henry C. Pope Tallapoosa Police Dept. 09/03/1934 N2R

20. Benjamin Porch Barnesville Police Dept. 09/24/1908 N4L

21. Durwin L. Potts Whitfield Co. Sheriff's Office 12/21/1996 N5R

22. Bobby Gene Powell Swainsboro Police Dept. 06/12/1980 S3R

23. Louis Todd Powers Morgan Co. Vol. Fire Dept. 08/05/1993 S2L

24. Jerry Prince Atlanta Fire Dept. 02/27/1986 S2R

25. Will J. Prince Davisboro Police Dept. 02/22/1910 S3R

26. Gary Carter Pruitt Alpharetta Fire Dept. 01/01/1986 S1L

27. Johnny Farrell Puckett, Sr. DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 07/16/1966 S4R

28. George H. Puder Savannah Fire Dept. 02/21/1873 S5R

29. Joe Allen Purdy Polk Co. Fire Dept.


No. -----Name----------------- Agency--------------- Date of Death Location

1. Edward Hezikiah Quarles Augusta Police Dept. 09/05/1924 N5R

2. Michael Russell Queen Rabun Co. Vol. Fire Dept. 03/28/2000 S1R

3. Larry Eugene Quinn DeKalb Co. Police Dept. 02/04/1973 N2R


No. -----Name------------ Agency---------- Date of Death Location

1. Henry E. Rainey Doraville Police Dept. 05/02/1963 N4R

2. Thomas Ramsden, III Atlanta Police Dept. 10/26/1968 S4R

3. M. W. Rasbury Atlanta Police Dept. 03/05/1872 N4R

4. Daniel S. Ray, Jr. Houston Co. Sheriff's Office 05/10/1986 S3L

5. Robert E. Read Savannah Police Dept. 11/05/1868 S3R

6. Steve Matthew Reeves Cobb County Police Dept. 07/24/1999 S1R

7. Isaac M. Register Waycross Fire Dept. 02/04/1942 S3L

8. Jessie Tinnian Register Homerville Police Dept. 06/10/1964 S1L

9. Joe Reynolds Augusta Police Dept. 06/14/1959 N2L

10. Wilmer McMillan Richards Atlanta Police Dept. 12/02/1952 S2R

11. James Richardson Atlanta Police Dept. 07/19/1980 S6R

12. James Barney Richardson Atlanta Fire Dept. 07/30/1927 N2R

13. Mike Riley Augusta Fire Dept. 06/29/1896 N4L

14. Richard Henry Riley, Jr. Augusta Police Dept. 05/28/1941 N2R

15. Barney Russell Riner Sandersville Fire Dept. 03/05/1988 N5R

16. Aaron B. Roberts Atlanta Police Dept. 06/18/1930 N1R

17. Charlie J. Roberts Columbus Police Dept. 10/14/1896 N6L

18. Emil Lamkin Roberts Augusta Fire Dept. 11/28/1930 S4L

19. John Edward Roberts Gordon Police Dept. 11/24/1978 S3R

20. Lee Roberts Macon Fire Dept. 05/06/1910 N4R

21. William Edward Robinson, IV Baldwin Co. Sheriff's Office 12/17/1995 N1R

22. Eugene Rockett, Sr. Savannah Regional YDC 03/31/1993 S5L

23. Allen Brad Rogers Atlanta Police Dept. 07/24/2000 S6L

24. Richard Harris Rogers Georgia Dept. of Corrections 03/29/1970 N5R

25. Handson Dan Rolison Savannah Police Dept. 09/25/1960 S6R

26. Henry Thomas Rosamond College Park Police Dept. 06/13/1931 N1R

27. James Elliott Roughen Savannah Police Dept. 01/22/1934 S6R

28. Hugh Edward Rousey Royston Police Dept. 03/30/1981 N5L

29. Bernard Rowe Augusta Fire Dept. 11/18/1851 S2L

30. John Hall Rowe, Jr. Lowndes Co. Sheriff's Office 04/17/1986 S2L

31. Willie Ellis Rowe, Jr. Macon-Bibb Co. Fire Department 05/09/1997 N6R

32. Fred Lloyd Rumsey Toccoa Fire Dept. 12/30/1977 S4R


God Bless America

and those who serve to

defend and protect her !